Schooling Project

In our work with all the other projects we have met many children that unfortunately have dropped out of school. The main reason being lack of money. The government schools in Zambia is for free at Primary level, but other costs related to school, such as uniform and books, results in some families isn’t able to send their children to primary school either. When the children starts secondary school they are required to pay school fees which leaves even more children out of school.

In this project we strive to give the children a new chance to attend school. We will start to ensure that our rural changers and frequently participants is in school and from there we can expand.

We have identified Petauke Secondary school, which is central located based on our prioritized beneficiaries as our main school. This means that most of the secondary school pupils will attend that school. The children in the primary school will be sent to their closest school as they are still young (grade 1-7).

Before a child being registered in this project, we have meetings with the child’s family as well as the school to ensure that the child meet the criteria for the project and make sure that everyone involved understands the project. The progress for the pupil is thereafter assessed to ensure the success for the child.